Friday, January 30, 2009

Caden's First Visit To The Pediatrician

Today Caden had his first doctor's appointment. I was a little nervous about his weight. In the hospital he lost weight (as all newborns do), but his weight loss was more than they like to see. So of course that worried me. By today's appointment the goal was for him to be back up to his birth weight. Since I am nursing it is hard to determine exactly how much he is getting. However, I was very excited today when they weighed him. Today he weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. which is 2 ounces more than his birth weight. This is great because he had lost about a pound in the hospital. The pediatrician checked him out and said he looked great. He also commented on how cute he was. He did have to have his newborn screening done in which he had to have his heel pricked to get blood out of it. He was not a fan of this and definitely let us know it! After we left the doctor we had to get his passport photo taken. This was another experience. He had to be laying down with his eyes open. This was a challenge as he had just gotten calmed down and fallen asleep after his traumatic trip to the doctor. It took a little while, but we finally got him to open his eyes long enough for the photographer to take a few shots for his passport.
Now for the part you really care about.....The pictures:
All wrapped up in his towel before his bath. Look at those big eyes!?!?!?!
Testing out his crib...He's not using it yet, but since he had a matching outfit on we thought it would be a good picture opportunity.

Another view of him in his crib

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tummy Time Surfboard

Caden is slowly being more awake more often. Yesterday he was playing on his surfboard we got him.

Home At Last!!!!!

As some of you may have heard Friday afternoon we were informed by the pediatrician that Caden had turned jaundice. He was going to have to be put under phototherapy lights. We were told that this would take 3 to 5 days to get his level from a 19 to about a 10. We were devastated. Fortunately, though, the hospital had a portable phototherapy light unit that they were able to move into our room. We had to keep Caden under the lights at all times other than feeding and diaper changes. The first night was very difficult. He screamed for a good portion of it. He just wanted to be taken out and held. By Saturday morning he was doing better with it. My doctor was ready to discharge me, but Caden still had to stay. After many tears (on Kelli's part) and many phone calls on Andy's behalf, we got to stay in our room with Caden. Sunday around noon they came to take him to do a blood test to check his jaundice. About an hour later I got a call from the pediatrician that his level was down to a 10.2 and that we could go home!!! I think for the rest of the day I was grinning from ear to ear.

The pediatrician then called my doctor and shared the news. My doctor ended up coming in on his day off to take out my stitches and to discharge me. So around 3pm on Sunday we were headed out the door of the hospital!

Things are going well so far. Caden pretty much only cries when he's hungry and when his diaper needs changed.

Caden's going home outfit.In his infant carrier waiting to go home!
Home at last and playing in the bouncer.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome Caden!

It has been a hectic few days! On Saturday Kelli had a doctor appointment. Dr. Song decided it was time for the baby to start to come because he was concerned about the swelling in Kelli's feet. He gave her something to start thinning the cervix and sent us home saying it should work in 12-24 hours. Well she began some contractions that night but they stopped when she went to bed. The next day in an effort to get them started again we went to Lottemart (think giant 4 story Walmart), after a few hours there walking around her labor was at about 4.5 minute intervals so we headed to the hospital. Once at the hospital, her contractions stopped again over night. The morning the Doctor decided to try inducing. After several hours o the medicine she was still only the 2 cm dilated that she came in as. So the Doctor broke the water. A few hours later and finally some actually painful contractions........nothing, still 2 cm dilated. They were discussing sending us home and waiting it out, until they took Kelli's blood pressure. The decision was made to go ahead and have a C-section. They were worried about preeclampsia, with the swelling and BP. So at 6:30 PM on January 19th Caden joined us at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Kelli was awake for the operation with a spinal so she got to see him right away. That was the easy part. Around 10:30 PM they brought Caden into our room for room-in after operation. Needless to say this was the closest I had ever been to a newborn and my wife is bedridden. Oh Boy! That was not the plan Kelli was the one with the baby experience, not me! Everything is going great though. I have changed several diapers. Figured out how to swaddle and control the head. Speaking of the head I thought newborns couldn't move their heads? I have been head butted several times! He sometimes loses control, but has no problem looking around. The top picture is a picture of the professional picture the hospital took and gave us.

The proud Mom with her new boy!

Finally a Picture with his eyes open. (This took awhile to achieve, still working on the video of it.)

OK, I might be a little proud too. and TIRED!
This is a video of him cooing. It seemed to excite everyone to hear him on the phone so I thought you could watch this way. Turn the volume up and ignore Kelli on the phone in the background to my parents.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby Basics 101 & A Baby Shower

Wednesday was a very busy day! We left our apartment at 10 am and didn't return until after 10 pm. Baby Basics was a class Andy and I went to on Camp Walker. I got to watch Andy change a diaper (on a doll) and we got lots of free things for the baby and a few baby books for us to read as well. The class lasted from 11am until 3:30pm. We took a break for lunch and went with some friends (who also were in the class with us) to an American Style Chinese resturant.

Then at 7pm I had a Baby Shower. We had a lot of fun and played some fun baby shower games. I got a ton of baby stuff....a diaper cake (with lots of diapers of different sizes, onesies, pacifers, and a bib), baby clothes, wipes, diapers, tummy time surf board, and a gift card. When Andy came and picked me up you should have seen the look on his face when we saw all of the stuff we were given for the baby. The car was definately full that night of stuff for our little one!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ready For Baby!!!

The month that we have been waiting on is finally here. This past weekend we put away all of our Christmas decorations and prepared for the arrival of our little one. We have had these items for a while, but had no where to really put them until after Christmas. Our apartment now definately looks like a little one will be joining us. I will be 37 weeks tomorrow so anytime he decides to join us we will be ready:) Hopefully sooner rather than later! The swing!
It is actually sitting where our tree was. It is very cute:) Thanks Grandma and Grandpa A!
The infant carrier---winterized!
According to our doctor my due date is the coldest week of the year in Korea so we decided that the little one was going to need a little extra warmth. We found this cool lined cover for the infant carrier that is lined in fleece. It works almost like a sleeping bag with slits in the back to pull the seat belts through. Special thanks to Aunt Kay and Uncle Dick for the head supports. A head support came with the infant carrier, but these looked a lot nicer and appear to provide more support to the baby.

The Mobile!
It finally came today! It is very cute and matches great with our bedding theme. Thanks to Aunt Bev!

Our crib bedding!
We love this bedding was certainly worth the 6 week + wait! We definately learned not to order anything online from Walmart that we need in a hurry! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa G! (We are still working on naming the grandparents...this has proved to be a more challenging task than naming the baby!)

The bouncer!
I think this is one of Andy's favorite baby items. He loves how the baby can actually interact with it. After he put it together he played with it for quite some time. I think he secretly wishes that he could fit in it! Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa A!
An additional thanks to: Dana & Tyler, Nan, Courtney, Loey, Aunt Emma, Nathan & Mel, Aunt Anne & Uncle Bill, Granny, and Uncle Tom & Aunt Dianne. We could not fit pictures of everything on this one post, but I am sure that in the coming months you will see pictures of your gifts in use for the little one on here. Thanks again. We really appreciate it!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

36 1/2 Weeks Baby Update

Today I had my 36 week appointment. All went well. My blood pressure was a little high....140/90. This, in addition to my swelling, had me concerned. I think I was possibly more concerned than the doctor. He, of course, asked if the baby was still moving and he certainly much if not more than ever! He then did the ultrasound. As he was beginning the process he was commenting that anytime after the middle of January the baby could possible come. He also commented it could also be the beginning of February...that was until he did the ultrasound. From it the baby was measuring 38 weeks and 3 days with a due date of January 14th....2 weeks prior to my orginal due date. He also said that by this time most babies weigh about 2600 grams....not our little one. He is measuring approximately 3017 grams, which is about 6 lbs 10oz. Yikes...I think he is going to be a big baby. He finally commented for the first time today that he may make his arrival a little early! He said if I make it to full term, the baby will probably be close to 9 pounds. Unfortunately there is not an ultrasound picture. You really couldn't see much on it anyhow...only really his back, which is a good thing. That means he's in proper position for delievery. My next appointment is scheduled for January you think I'll make it to my last appointment or will the doctor be seeing me earlier???