Tuesday, September 30, 2008

21 Week Check Up and More

WELCOME BACK! It's been a while since our last post. Much has happened! First, We got a car! Yes, I owe everyone a picture of our 1990 Hyundai Excel BMW. Kelli was also back to the States for a few weeks for family reasons. It was a tearful trip, but was good for Kelli and her family. Her Grandma is in a better place now after being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. But, back to the goods news! Everything is going well with the pregnancy. The pictures are getting harder to see. I think cause the baby is getting too big for the machine. On the right you can make out an eye socket and what I think is part of a foot on the left. This doctor's appointment was the day after Kelli returned to Korea. She was still a little swollen in the ankles from traveling and had put on a little weight at home too. In fact, it is definitely easy to tell she is pregnant now! I owe a picture of that too, I know. Dates have been set and tickets bought for all grandparents to come visit in February after the baby is born at the end of January(hopefully!) Her next appointment includes a level 2 ultrasound so hopefully we will get some better pictures from that.

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