Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3 Months & Watch Me Grow

Caden was 3 months old on Sunday. Yes, already! I am unsure where the time is going, but he sure isn't wasting anytime getting bigger. These days he is really enjoying moving his hands. When his pacifer falls out of his mouth, he tries to stuff his entire fist into this mouth. Hopefully one day he will just learn how to put his own pacifer into his mouth. He has been smiling for quite some time now, however, catching it on camera has been hard to do. We have been trying for atleast a month, but have been unsuccessful. Well, finally tonight we got it on camera! This was his 2 month picture for comparison purposes.

3 Months...my little boy is growing up!

Playing with his hands

Look I'm smiling for all of you folks who don't get to see it in person! Don't I have an adorable smile?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Woobang Tower Land

On Sunday, we went with our friends Peter (who works in Andy's office), Alice, and their daughter Lizza to a Korean amusement park called Woobang Tower Land. Oh (the Korean solider that works with Peter and Andy) went along. He served as our interpreter for the day. The park was similar, yet different to parks in the U.S. The rides were much more spread out and there weren't nearly as many (as you can see in the picture of the park). There were roller coasters, but they were much smaller than what we are used to. There were a few roller coasters, the water flume ride, carousel, and a few others. We had a fun day. I especially enjoyed a day out and about opposed to being in our apartment. Caden did very well. We fed him upon arriving at the park and then he slept in his stroller for most of the day. We got him out while we were eating lunch and he enjoyed moving around and he gave us a few smiles. Once we left the park he was awake through dinner and pretty much until we put him to bed for the night. Caden on his first "ride"...the skyview that took us across the park. This was a very helpful ride as the park was on a hill. This ride took us to the top of the hill and then we were able to walk our way down through the park.
Me on the skyview with a view of the park in the background.

Better view of the park.

Oh --- our tour guide for the day

Andy, Caden, and me

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Growing Up Way TOO Fast

Today I had Caden to the doctor. It seems as though his Acid Reflux medicine has caused him to become constipated so now I have a fiber powder to give him once a day in a bottle. Lets hope that it works! Anyhow, he was weighed and measured. He weighed 13lbs. 8oz. (with his clothes on) and was 24 1/2 inches long! What happened to my baby?!?!?! He will be 3 months old on Sunday already. That is so hard for me to believe. Our Little Family
Doesn't he look like such a big boy sitting in his stroller?
This was the first time we put him in the actual stroller part instead of attaching his infant carrier to the stroller. He seemed to enjoying looking around while we were shopping.

Too cute for words

Hanging out with mom....Perhaps once Dad is home for a while we can get some with him. He has been away for a majority of the past month and a half.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Court's Visit

Court's week visting us went very fast. We tried to give her a taste of Korea. She enjoyed the Korean food, learning a little about the culture, shopping in Osan, and most of all enjoying her nephew. There is no doubt that she absolutely LOVES her nephew! Family Pic with Court

Mom & her little boy :)

Court loving on Caden

Oh so cute!

Hanging out with your nephew must be very tiring

Aunt Courtney Arrives!

Aunt Courtney arrived on Sunday, April 5th (sorry this took me so long to post)! Her flight was unfortunately delayed, but she did finally make it. She was here until Easter Sunday (April 12th). Here are a few pictures from her meeting her nephew. Caden got tired of waiting so he decided to take a little nap to be all rested up for her arrival!

I think she was finally glad to see some familiar faces.
She said it was a very overwhelming feeling.

Adoring her nephew.
In her words, "Pictures don't even do him justice."

All smiles :)

Holding her nephew for the first (of many) time while grinning from ear to ear.