Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas 2009

After spending 2 Christmas Season's in Korea, it was GREAT to be in America! It was so much fun being a part of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. It was great seeing all the Christmas lights shining when out and about at night. I just absolutely LOVE Christmas...can you tell? We had a great Christmas. It was great starting to teach about the holiday. I'm sure that by next year he'll be starting to "get" it, but this year was still fun. Now for some pictures....

Christmas Eve

Caden seemed just as interested in (or maybe even more so) Uncle Eric's water bottle as the gifts everyone was exchanging.

Caden opening his first present with the help of Daddy

Christmas Morning

This year we actually had to wake Caden up. We got him up around 8 so that we could feed him breakfast and see what Santa left for him. Unfortunately he woke up with a runny nose. He was still his happy self though.

Opening up one of his presents from Santa with Mommy's help.

Crawling across the room for another present.

Our house Christmas morning :)

Around 9 we headed to my parents house to exchange with my parents and Aunt Courtney and Uncle Eric.

The stocking were hung by the chimney with care....

Thought it looked like a really cool picture!

Caden looking at his stack of presents.

Opening gifts continued past his morning nap.
So he napped in Pap's arms with Kirby & Kylie.

Christmas afternoon we headed out to Andy's parents' house to hang out and exchange gifts with them.

Chillin' with Grandaddy...."Boy, this has been a long day!"

Playing on my new alphabet train

Eating wrapping paper...a very familiar sight on Christmas day!
I hope your Christmas day was as enjoyable and filled with as much joy and thanks as ours was.
Now its off to prepare for my baby's first birthday party....where did the time go????

Thursday, January 7, 2010

11 Months

Well as hard as it is to believe Caden is 11 months old. He is full of life! He loves to be with us and follows we were are. If I am in the kitchen cooking, he's in the kitchen investigating what is going on. His first word was Mama, which he said for the first time at about 10 1/2 months. He is babbling constantly, but says Mama all the time. I think he picked a good word for his first word. He also got his 7th tooth (bottom front left). He didn't seem very phased by getting this tooth. That was a nice change :) He weighs approximately 22 pounds and is growing before our very eyes. He continues to be a great baby and is generally very happy. There isn't much that makes him cry! Guess its time to start planning his 1st Birthday Party. Wow...where did that time go??? Without further ado the part you all want to see...

11 Months Old with my bear..the bear is beginning to look small