Saturday, August 2, 2008

Free Crib!

Last week, we noticed our neighbors moved out. Being the opportunist that I am, I decided to take a look through their apartment to see if they left anything good. We found a crib in there. It is the exact one we would have bought from the PX in Daegu(because it is the only one they sell), so I went up and asked the landlord if we could have it. His wife said yes so we brought it into our place. It seems a little early to be setting up a nursery, but the price was too good to pass up! After our visit home we had already acquired a few baby articles and bought the metal rack to use for storage.

1 comment:

Sarah Foose said...

That is totally awesome! How perfect! Knowing Kelli's family AND Andy's will be needing about 10 more of those metal racks haha!