Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome Caden!

It has been a hectic few days! On Saturday Kelli had a doctor appointment. Dr. Song decided it was time for the baby to start to come because he was concerned about the swelling in Kelli's feet. He gave her something to start thinning the cervix and sent us home saying it should work in 12-24 hours. Well she began some contractions that night but they stopped when she went to bed. The next day in an effort to get them started again we went to Lottemart (think giant 4 story Walmart), after a few hours there walking around her labor was at about 4.5 minute intervals so we headed to the hospital. Once at the hospital, her contractions stopped again over night. The morning the Doctor decided to try inducing. After several hours o the medicine she was still only the 2 cm dilated that she came in as. So the Doctor broke the water. A few hours later and finally some actually painful contractions........nothing, still 2 cm dilated. They were discussing sending us home and waiting it out, until they took Kelli's blood pressure. The decision was made to go ahead and have a C-section. They were worried about preeclampsia, with the swelling and BP. So at 6:30 PM on January 19th Caden joined us at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20.5 inches long. Kelli was awake for the operation with a spinal so she got to see him right away. That was the easy part. Around 10:30 PM they brought Caden into our room for room-in after operation. Needless to say this was the closest I had ever been to a newborn and my wife is bedridden. Oh Boy! That was not the plan Kelli was the one with the baby experience, not me! Everything is going great though. I have changed several diapers. Figured out how to swaddle and control the head. Speaking of the head I thought newborns couldn't move their heads? I have been head butted several times! He sometimes loses control, but has no problem looking around. The top picture is a picture of the professional picture the hospital took and gave us.

The proud Mom with her new boy!

Finally a Picture with his eyes open. (This took awhile to achieve, still working on the video of it.)

OK, I might be a little proud too. and TIRED!
This is a video of him cooing. It seemed to excite everyone to hear him on the phone so I thought you could watch this way. Turn the volume up and ignore Kelli on the phone in the background to my parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow....Matt and I just watched the video----he is so cute! Take your time and heal from the c-section....I know just how ya feel! Sounds a lot like the birth experience that my sister went through almost exactly 4 years ago to the day!
Anyways---Congrats to all 3 of you! What an adorable little boy! Can't wait to meet him!